FAQ Page

  • What is Ascomnet Fiber?

    Ascomnet Fiber is a state-of-the-art fiber optic infrastructure that brings affordable fiber optic service all the way to the home. It is the most current technology that is “future proof” and capable of delivering ultra-fast Internet connections.

  • How does Ascomnet Fiber benefit your Community?

    As with any utility, having the most capable and reliable infrastructure provides more value to the community and its residents. Having the option for this much capacity attracts businesses that require large amounts of bandwidth for their operations. This may be the same case for residential customers. Customers are constantly needing and demanding higher amounts of bandwidth in their homes. This fiber investment prepares us all for what’s to come in the future.

  • Is this Ascomnet's first time offering fiber-to-the-home?

    No, we started deploying this state-of-the-art technology in 2019.

  • What is the process to get fiber to my house/neighborhood?

    After enough interest is shown for a particular neighborhood (through filling out this form), we will start the Pre-Registration phase to determine the level of commitment by a prospective Fiberhood.
    During Pre-Registration, we will contact every potential home, to determine how many households are interested in our new fiber optic network and are serious about taking advantage of our services.
    After we have reached our commitment requirements for a prospective Fiberhood we will begin construction on your fiber network!

  • What should i do when i see Red Light/Amber Light on the equipment?

    Please take note of following in resolving issues relating to red light showing on your modem:

    •Modem should be suspended where children/housekeeper will not be able to touch or tampered with.
    •Please ensure all cables are properly connected on the ONU
    •If you notice any red light blinking on the modem, please restart the modem from the power source for about 5 seconds
    •If red light blinking persists, please contact our customer service for quick resolution.

  • What should i do if i am unable to connect to the internet?

    Please check if your data has been exhausted or expired.
    •Please login to your customer-care portal to confirm account status.
    •If subscription is still active and unable to connect, confirm that the light indicators on the ONU are on,
    Please check for red light on LOS or PON light blinking and ensure all cables are properly connected on the ONU.
    •If problem persists, please contact our customer service for quick resolution.

  • How long does the fibre optic installation take?

    At Ascomnet, installation days vary depending on your location and it ranges from 5days to 7days. Once we know your location, we will be able to run a feasibility check and give you a more accurate estimate. To learn more, please contact our sales team.

  • How long is my service valid for?

    Please note that all service plans have 30days validity period. This implies your subscription will expire at the end of every 30days.